steph/adam project: parent and child duck rice bowl

I decided to cook this dish for everyone who lived at home and a couple of guest, that comes to a total of 9 people. My lesson learnt? Choose another dish to make if I was to cook for a big group of people. I did not realise how expensive duck breast fillets were, I certainly choked when it came to the time that I had to pay for my goods. If I was to make this dish again, I would keep it to a maximum of 4 people, the less people the better coz it ain't cheap. Adding to it, salted duck eggs ain't that cheap either...depending where you buy them from, it can range from $1.10-$1.30 just for one.

Was it worth it? I would say so coz everyone certainly enjoyed it and that put a smile on my face :)

parent and child duck rice bowl

Adam's recipe: 81
Steph's completed: 10


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