Green Bamboo Cooking Class
The last time I was in Hoi A n, I did a cookin g class with Red Bridge Cooking School. It was my very first time doing a cooking class anywhere in the world be sides in my own kitchen with my mum when I first started learning the tricks of the trade. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect from a cooking class but I did not enjoy the the one at Red Bridge. The person who thought us how to cook was kind of rude and h e wasn't very helpful either, he got sl igh tly frustrated when we did not do it correctly the first time . Also, I fel t like the who le cooking experience was very rushed and at the end of it all, he didn't even give us the recipes! This time around, I did a bit more research and thoug ht that I would like to try another cooking class but with Ms. Vy :) Sh e's like the backbone of Hoi An's food with so many rest aurants to her name like her famous Mo rning Glory Restaurant, The Market, Cargo Club, Mermaid and many more. Unfortunately, her coo...